Saturday, October 16, 2010

*The Exersaucer Debacle Concludes

If you read Wednesday's post about the Exersaucer Debacle you'll be happy to learn that I'm once again an idiot.
Determined to put this thing together before the weekend, I went back to the store where I purchased the first Exersaucer and bought another one.  The girls at customer service remembered that I'd had to return the first one due to three missing pieces.  They insisted on making sure the new one had all of its parts, and opened the box in front of me to examine the pieces. 

It was during this process that I realized the first Exersaucer did have all the parts included. I didn't realize that the FOUR springs required for assembly were bunched together in the packaging to save space, thus looking as if they were ONE big spring. 
Ok, lesson learned. 
I once again failed to follow instructions (!!!) and, upon returning home, I immediately started putting the new Exersaucer together.  Why would I need to make sure all the parts were there? They went through the box at the store to do just that! 
Turns out they forgot to put one of the plastic legs back in. 
So I had to drive back late Thursday night to retrieve it.

Bottom line: 
I made three trips to the store for one damn Exersaucer, that Mackenzie is sure to outgrow or tire of in the next few months. 
Nevertheless, check it out... 
I FINALLY finished... and she loves it!

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